XMC Delivers

Delivery Distribution
Direct Store Delivery
Route & Van Sales
Route Delivery
Mobile Intelligence
Proof of Delivery
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XMC Solutions Homepage 3

Your Business is Unique, So is XMC

Every delivery distribution business is unique. This can make it challenging to find the right technology for your specific delivery distribution model. Developed in collaboration with companies like yours, XMC is purpose-built for delivery and distribution. XMC’s modern app and platform easily integrates with your ERP to unify your entire delivery and distribution operation. With a wealth of features and capabilities, XMC will help you to enhance performance, increase profitability, and grow your delivery distribution business.

DSDAssets and equipment copy 4  Direct Store Delivery

XMC provides all the tools you’ll need to organize your day, sell with confidence, delight customers, all while keeping inventory & payments under control.

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2routesalesAssets and equipment copy  Route & Van Sales​

Get the most out of visits to your route customers. Refresh stock, introduce new products, handle everything easily on your mobile device.

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routedeliveryAssets and equipment copy 2  Route Delivery

Plan and prioritize the most cost-efficient routes, while meeting tight customer delivery windows, and allowing your driver/reps to visit more customers daily.

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keyfeaturesAssets and equipment copy 3 XMC Features

XMC improves and integrates your entire delivery distribution operations. From the warehouse to the driver to sales to customer service to accounting and IT ​

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Your Key to Successful Delivery Distribution

checkArtboard 1  Intuitive Mobile App

Serve customers with confidence, no internet required.

checkArtboard 1  Routing and Logistics

Optimize and plan routes, dispatch delivery orders.

checkArtboard 1  Mobile Intelligence

Daily sales planning, alerts, reports, dashboards.

checkArtboard 1  ERP Integration

Unbelievably flexible web services API, full posting control.

checkArtboard 1  Route Accounting

Product and payment reconciliations by warehouse and driver.


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What is Delivery Distribution?

Home DeliveryDist 2

Effective Delivery Distribution operations start with providing your driver/reps a handheld solution empowering them with everything they need to be successful out in the field servicing your customers. XMC’s creates a great user experience, giving each driver/rep exactly the tools they need, at just the right time.

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Empowering Your Team

XMC Provides the Tools and Functionality Your Team Needs to Succeed

XMC - Built for Best in Class ERPs

ERP Integration 5

Your ERP

Built by ERP experts to create the ultimate integration of Delivery Distribution operations with the rest of your ERP, XMC is ready out-of-the box for Acumatica, Sage X3 and Sage 100.

Console 5

XMC Management Console

XMC’s cloud-enabled Management console providers a comprehensive toolset to manage and plan routes, order dispatch, truck loading, market intelligence and critical ERP integrations.

App 5

XMC Mobile App

The XMC mobile application is native for iOS and Android. The functionality of this powerful, yet easy-to-use app, is permission driven to ensure successful customer visits every time.

XMC News

sampe dashboard

Technical Spotlight: New Reporting and Dashboards Engine for XMC

XMC has always been packed with intelligence to help guide decision making for companies route operations with Surveys, Tasks, Documents, Guided Workflow, Photo Tags and so much more.

Now, XMC offers as whole new software tool to help management, sales and delivery drivers be better informed, server customers better, and enhance decision making.

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proof of delivery

The ABCs of ePOD

Running a delivery operation is expensive. But for companies who utilize electronic Proof of Delivery (ePOD), the benefits add up pretty quickly. We’re talking eliminating- or at least easily resolving- payment disputes, decreasing labor and fuel costs, improving margins (thru better inventory control), reducing driver turnover (because they have the right tools to do their jobs), and most of all – improved customer satisfaction yielding long-term loyalty. 

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XMC Achieves Technical Validation for Acumatica 2024R2

Acumatica has recognized XMC (xkzero Mobile Commerce) for achieving Technical Validation for Acumatica version 2024R2. 


This builds on XMC having previously earned the Certified Application designation from Acumatica.  

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Cry Me an Acronym!

Life moves PDQ. Productivity demands, smartphones, and ever-evolving technology mean we’re all finding ways to communicate faster and more efficiently. Today, as with technology, we are seeing increased use of acronyms in our daily lives.But let’s be real, acronyms aren’t new—they go way back. The Romans loved their Latin abbreviations (think "ETC."), and for centuries, institutions like the government and military have used acronyms to streamline complex information and, at times, add a layer of secrecy. IYKYK. From government agencies like the FBI, CIA, and CDC to famous figures like MLK, JFK, and DDE, acronyms are everywhere. They even help us express emotions—OMG! LOL! —making communication faster and more efficient. 

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Kind Words From A Few XMC Users

XMC beverage web

We wanted the best DSD system in the world to run our business, so we turned to xkzero and that’s what we did.

- DJ Romano, President, Power Distributing & Romano Beverage

oil pour

Great product and excellent people. The application is easy to use, and the integration with the accounting (ERP) software is amazing. Tech support is prompt and reliable but rarely needed.

- John M., Controller – Automotive Fluids Distributor


XMC is a great solution for our client. The extent of the ERP integration was unexpected – it covers the entire delivery operation. Amazing!

- Rob N., ERP Software VAR

Let's Get Started

Our industry experts are ready to help accelerate your business forward and keep your customers happy. We're excited to partner with you on this journey! 

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